
Escriba su nombre de usuario y contraseña para iniciar sesión

#1Memory usage11.03mb
#2Memory peak11.11mb
#1debugSELECT * FROM empresas ORDER BY nombre ASC↑+53ms
#2debugSELECT * FROM pages WHERE `showonmenu` = TRUE ORDER BY lower(menu) ASC, lower(submenu) ASC, ordernum ASC, lower(title) ASC↑+3ms
#3debugSHOW COLUMNS FROM `roles_users`;↑+4ms
#4debugSELECT CONSTRAINT_NAME as name, CONSTRAINT_TYPE as type FROM information_schema.table_constraints WHERE table_schema = schema() AND table_name = 'roles_users';↑+2ms
#5debugSELECT * FROM roles_users WHERE `nick` IS NULL↑+2ms
#6debugSELECT * FROM pages WHERE name = 'AdminPlugins' LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0;
#7debugSHOW COLUMNS FROM `attached_files`;↑+13ms
#8debugSELECT CONSTRAINT_NAME as name, CONSTRAINT_TYPE as type FROM information_schema.table_constraints WHERE table_schema = schema() AND table_name = 'attached_files';↑+2ms
#9debugSELECT * FROM attached_files WHERE idfile = '21' LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0;↑+1ms
#1debugTabla roles_users comprobada.↑+1ms
#2debugTabla attached_files comprobada.↑+1ms